Caller: Council President Pugh a corrupt racist? Give us a break

A rambling caller to the Angelo Henderson Show on 99.9 FM said Pugh was a corrupt politician with no interest in improving the lives of black people.
A rambling caller to the Angelo Henderson Show on 99.9 FM said Pugh was a corrupt politician with no interest in improving the lives of black people.
All together, the mayor’s three-year-old Detroit Works Project, which was designed to attract thousands of residents into revitalized neighborhoods over the next decade, has summoned only about a dozen new residents to areas that are far from revitalized.
A lone thief triggered a power outage in Detroit that darkened dozens of traffic lights, lofts and office buildings and parts of Wayne State University this weekend, the Motor City Muckraker has found. The theft occurred at a power station at the beleaguered Detroit Lighting Department, police said, provoking the third major city power outage in […]
The City of Detroit is at it again. One step forward, two steps back. Everyone knows the City of Detroit needs every penny it can get. What some do not know is that there are divisions within Detroit’s departments that are charged with generating revenue. One would think that those departments and divisions would be […]
Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh has said repeatedly he is not running for reelection. But that didn’t stop him from holding at least two fundraisers last year with builders and developers who do business with the city, according to campaign finance reports, some of which only became available recently because of tardy filings. At […]
With a 7-2 vote, Detroit City Council rejected putting on the ballot a tax hike to raise about $56 million a year.
It’s not easy being a taxpayer in Detroit. Property taxes are disproportionately high, yet city services are abysmal. The income tax rate is the highest in the state, but an obscenely high portion of the money is spent paying back debts from years past. And today, as the city and its suburban communities decide at the ballot […]
Detroit City Council declined to vote on whether residents should have the opportunity to vote on raising taxes to put more cops on the streets, saying the police department needs to provide a more thorough plan. Council members said they want to ensure the roughly $56 millon that would be raised from a tax hike […]
Detroit City Council declined to approve a contract from a Howell-based company today because of the city’s ties with the Ku Klux Klan. “This looks really bad,” Council President Charles Pugh said of the contract. “You can’t have contracts coming from Howell, Mich.” It’s unclear whether council has the legal authority to reject a contract […]
Hamtramck and Detroit are exploring a relationship to share fire services at a time when both communities are cutting public safety to fill budget gaps. “The financial realities force us to think outside the box,” Hamtramck City Manager Nervus Nazarko told Detroit City Council this morning. “We would support anything that would make financial sense […]