Drama, deadlock ends with re-election of Detroit City Council president

Before Detroit City Council could begin providing services and paying the bills in the new year, the nine elected members had to choose a president. But that wouldn’t be easy.
Before Detroit City Council could begin providing services and paying the bills in the new year, the nine elected members had to choose a president. But that wouldn’t be easy.
Yet another billionaire has been given preferential treatment over lower-income residents in Detroit.
Without public discourse, city council voted 7-2 to dish out $34.5 million to the Pistons.
Before voting publicly on giving $34.5 million to billionaire Tom Gores, council members already assured the Pistons team owner they would get the money – a violation of state law.
Mayor Duggan’s plans to give tax incentives to the billionaire Pistons owner are far from a slam dunk.
The city temporarily halted demolition after preservationists and others called for the building to be saved.
A man of two sides, Pugh could be charming, temperamental, progressive, juvenile.
A citizen group is suing Detroit over a blocked ballot initiative aimed at correcting voter irregularities.
Detroit joins San Francisco, New York, Washington D.C. and a handful of other cities with municipal IDs for immigrants, homeless people and others who often don’t have state identifications.
The former assistant police chief now has the authority to appoint new top brass to deliver on a pledge to clean up the beleaguered Fire Department.