Did police go too far by shoving Fox 2 reporter M.L. Elrick?

The Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter was trying to interview Councilman George Cushingberry outside of a public meeting when two cops grabbed Elrick.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter was trying to interview Councilman George Cushingberry outside of a public meeting when two cops grabbed Elrick.
Today’s election is a clear signal that council is digging in for a fight against the emergency manager’s authority and the bankruptcy proceedings – promises made on the campaign trail.
“So if you ever need extra cash,” Pugh texted, “keep that in mind.”
Today is the council’s deadline to offer an alternative, which must save the city at least $4 million a year in maintenance costs.
But the former council president was quick to deny sexual abuse allegations to a reporter last month.
“How dare someone come into this city and take away the most treasured jewel of our citizens,” Councilwoman Joann Watson steamed.
“I needed some time to recover from this situation that hit me like a tsunami,” Pugh told the Free Press.
The former Detroit City councilman resigned in protest of the emergency manager in June.
Ken Cockrel Jr. may become the fourth councilman to resign in the past two months.