By Steve Neavling on
Abandoned Buildings, Buildings, Headline, Life in Detroit, posts, The Packard Plant

Time is running out for a developer to transform Detroit’s symbol of industrial decline into housing, restaurants, retail space, offices and a hotel.
By Steve Neavling on
2013 Mayoral Election, Government, Headline, Politics, posts
The Board of State Canvassers will retabulate about 18,000 ballots that local officials declined to certify.
By Steve Neavling on
2013 Mayoral Election, Government, Headline, Politics, posts
At issue is whether election workers improperly handled about 18,000 votes.
By Steve Neavling on
City Government, Emergency Manager, Featured Stories, Government, posts, State of Michigan

Dillon’s wife was threatening to expose the Democrat for sending her racially charged text messages.
By Steve Neavling on
City Government, Emergency Manager, Government, Headline, posts, State of Michigan

The Democrat is accused of assaulting his wife in a furious effort to hide racially charged text messages.
By Steve Neavling on
City Government, Emergency Manager, Government, Headline, posts, State of Michigan

“One night my dad came into my room and told me I would have a new black dad,” his daughter said. “From there, things escalated.”
By Steve Neavling on
2013 Mayoral Election, Government, Headline, Politics, posts

Tom Barrow smells a conspiracy – again.
By Steve Neavling on
Government, Headline, posts, Wayne County

Wayne County illegally finances its operations with outrageous costs.
By Steve Neavling on
Featured Stories, Government, posts, State of Michigan

Dillon’s wife says the court made the right decision.
By Steve Neavling on
Abandoned Buildings, Buildings, Development, Headline, Life in Detroit, posts, The Packard Plant, Urban Renewal

Packard owner Dominic Cristini was shocked to hear the news when we contacted him this afternoon.