Group tours at Packard Plant? Visitors placed at risk

For whatever reason, the risks aren’t deterring opportunists from profiting off of group tours of the cavernous ruins.
For whatever reason, the risks aren’t deterring opportunists from profiting off of group tours of the cavernous ruins.
Most of the properties didn’t sell during the Wayne County tax-foreclosure auction Monday.
Many of the houses up for auction are dilapidated and structurally unsound.
Firefighters perused the debris for a scrapper who had become pinned in the debris.
Some of the properties are abandoned and gutted, while others could fetch more than $85,000 in any other community.
Whoever wins the auction will inherit hefty costs, from demolition to a six-figure tax bill.
During our one-hour drive, we saw scrappers, suspected drug dealers, a loose pit bull, gang-related graffiti, wide-open abandoned homes, dilapidated businesses and yards covered in trash.
North Corktown is witnessing a steady drizzle of development and new residents, but it’s not envisioned as a rehabilitated neighborhood under Mayor Bing’s blueprint for land use.
The cost to taxpayers – nearly $500,000.
Once selling for six figures, the houses are on the auction block for as low as a few thousand dollars.