Demolition by neglect: Once-beautiful home razed in Cass Corridor

The demolition occurred without asbestos remediation because the house was considered too dangerous.
The demolition occurred without asbestos remediation because the house was considered too dangerous.
The media spun a cold-hearted narrative about a project to move a vacant Detroit house to Europe, but the truth is far more nuanced.
“I have a victim in the rear stairwell,” a firefighter radioed to the chief.
At least one of the fires was suspicious.
Rigs broke down, hydrants malfunctioned and arsonists grew bolder in March, the most destructive month yet this year in Detroit.
Fires burned longer and caused more damage because of inoperable hydrants and the rapidly declining condition of the city’s rigs.
Since at least 2007, the camper has served as a permanent home for a man who has meticulously maintained the yard and several gardens.
Detroit firefighters took no chances when they summoned a hazardous materials team to a west-side house that was teeming with pot plants.
But there is no app to fix the brick house on the city’s east side.
The children – ages 4, 6, 8 and 11 – were home alone when the fire broke out at 5236 Cecil.