State officials to consider two petitions to recall Gov. Snyder over Flint water

In a separate development, a Republican-led Congressional hearing won’t include Snyder, even though he accepted blame for thousands of Flint residents being poisoned.
In a separate development, a Republican-led Congressional hearing won’t include Snyder, even though he accepted blame for thousands of Flint residents being poisoned.
Even the state Treasury warned against using a new pipeline that ultimately led to a decision to use the Flint River.
Turns out, Detroit offered Flint a better deal for water than the plan that ultimately led to thousands of residents being poisoned.
Anonymous hactivists have waged a campaign against Gov. Rick Snyder and other officials who ignored the Flint water crisis.
Thieves only targeted one office – the one where water records were kept.
A lawsuit alleges former Detroit Police James Tolbert impeded a probe into the murder of exotic dancer “Strawberry.”
The FBI is baffled about why an armed man was in armor with a phony CIA identification at a movie theater.
A five-member review team reported that the city has run four consecutive budget deficits and began ignoring its long-term obligations, such as pension payments.
Rather than hand over Detroit’s budget, parks, buildings and services to the Republican-controlled state, a growing number of residents and leaders are advocating for municipal bankruptcy.