21 cars burn in Detroit, many left to smolder in streets, in past 24 hours

Most of the fires were suspicious, with cars found burning in streets, sidewalks and driveways.
Most of the fires were suspicious, with cars found burning in streets, sidewalks and driveways.
Police responded to 21 assaults, a kidnapping, the discovery of a body, three breaking-and-enterings and 15 reports of gunshots.
Mike Duggan’s first move was nominating an interim fire commissioner with a strong background.
A reasonable person would have feared for his life and therefore been justified in pulling the trigger, attorney says.
Hoodies have served as symbols of racial profiling in the wake of the Trayvon Martin killing.
“I didn’t want her out there by herself,” a woman who witnessed the crash said.
A judge will determine whether enough evidence exists to continue the case.
It was Detroit’s third large raid since an east-side sweep on Nov. 15.
What’s worse, EMS continued to give the wrong ETA as firefighters tried to resuscitate the victim.