Some firefighters without air bottles after major safety lapse discovered

When firefighters dash into burning houses and buildings to rescue people and knock down fires, they wear high-pressure air bottles to breathe.
When firefighters dash into burning houses and buildings to rescue people and knock down fires, they wear high-pressure air bottles to breathe.
Firefighters are forced to rely on noncompliant hoses, engine pumps, air bottles, self-contained respirators, pressurized extinguishers and aerial and ground ladders.
In just five days, two people died in separate house fires after Detroit firefighters were delayed by a malfunctioning alert system.
By the time firefighters arrived to the burning house, there was little they could do.
Firefighters were delayed because of a problem with the alert system.
A Detroit fire truck also didn’t have a working aerial ladder to attempt a rescue.
The records show the city grossly misrepresented the number of broken hydrants earlier this year.
Despite the seriousness of the complaint, the firefighter remains on duty.
The city of Detroit installed hydrants that are incapable of supplying enough water to extinguish large fires.
A hazardous materials team and firefighters were called to Detroit’s water treatment plant this morning after a mercury spill.