Investor who wanted Packard Plant scraps buildings, late on taxes

When one of our photographers approached the scrappers to inquire about the illegal operation, they tried to run him over with a truck.
When one of our photographers approached the scrappers to inquire about the illegal operation, they tried to run him over with a truck.
Two days before his 53rd birthday, Kenneth Rouse was killed in a house fire.
Pugh sent sexually explicit text messages while he was mentoring the boy.
County officials said they were unaware of a fire at the downtown building.
Next up to buy the Packard Plant is the third bidder – Peru-based developer Fernando Palazuelo.
Bill Hults already paid $200,000 in nonrefundable deposits for the 40-acre ruins.
It’s unclear if McBride’s blood-alcohol level of .218% will change anything about the case.
Renisha McBride, 19, was in a car crash and seeking help when she knocked on the man’s door at 2:30 a.m. last week.
Investors scooped up more than 9,000 Detroit homes in a county auction.
Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett’s husband isn’t the only family member with a role in Napoleon’s campaign.