The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office has begun reviewing the case of a white Dearborn Heights man who fatally shot a black woman in the face with a shotgun because he thought she was trying to break into his house.
“We have begun the warrant review process,” Maria Miller of the prosecutor’s office said today. “News will be released when a charging decision has been made.”
Renisha McBride, 19, was in a car crash and seeking help when she knocked on the man’s door at 2:30 a.m. last week. The homeowner, whose name has not been released, told he police he accidentally Renisha McBride in the face after fearing she was robbing him.
The case has stirred controversy, sparking at least one protest from civil rights advocates who called on criminal charges against the homeowner.
McBride died on the front porch.
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The case is under investigation by the Dearborn Heights Police Department.
Police seized the homeowner’s .12-gauge for analysis.
Steve Neavling
Steve Neavling lives and works in Detroit as an investigative journalist. His stories have uncovered corruption, led to arrests and reforms and prompted FBI investigations.
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