‘Tricycle Collective’ aims to save 10 families from losing homes to tax foreclosure

Michele Oberholtzer was surveying tax-foreclosed properties in Detroit when she was shocked by the number of homes still occupied by families with children.
Michele Oberholtzer was surveying tax-foreclosed properties in Detroit when she was shocked by the number of homes still occupied by families with children.
One of every five Detroit properties in Detroit are in the process of foreclosure under an unprecedented effort by Wayne County to take possession of every property that is three or more years behind in taxes.
Investigators believe someone fire-bombed the Birthday Cake House on Heidelberg Street.
The Detroit Medical Society claimed it had no idea the house was up for foreclosure and said members invested more than $400,000 into the building.
Bidding ends today on two art-festooned houses and a vacant lot adorned with installations.
On Thursday, bidding began on most of the more than 20,000 Detroit properties that ended up in the Wayne County Tax Auction this year because of delinquent taxes.
Losing the three properties could break up significant sections of the project.
The Farbman Group has been trying to find a new owner since Wayne County vacated the Beaux Arts-style building in 2009.
As more properties fall into foreclosure, the cycle of abandonment, arson and blight will continue.
The unstable ceiling of the building is propped up with chemical containers.