5 hyperbolic tweets about dangers during Detroit’s fireworks
Fears of violence kept many people away from Detroit’s fireworks.
Fears of violence kept many people away from Detroit’s fireworks.
The tweets offer a glimpse into the various attitudes about Detroit.
Reporter Zlati Meyer’s tweet unleashed a torrent of attacks, including death threats.
Napoleon said news agencies “want you to stay home and not vote” during the mayoral election next week.
The reactions ranged from offensive and salacious to insightful or idiotic.
Seven months after an internal affairs officer filed a lawsuit claiming Police Chief Ralph Godbee lured her into a sexual relationship with the promise of a promotion, Detroit’s new emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, is intervening in the case.
Godbee broke his silence this weekend with meditations on forgiveness and overcoming struggles.
Kilpatrick takes on prosecution’s claims that his civic fund was for charity.