Conservative sheriff criticizes FBI for investigating Flint water crisis
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. also has called African Americans “lazy” and “morally bankrupt.”
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. also has called African Americans “lazy” and “morally bankrupt.”
A deputy told a 25-year-old black man
that he looked suspicious for walking with his hands in his pockets on a chilly day.
Napoleon said news agencies “want you to stay home and not vote” during the mayoral election next week.
During our one-hour drive, we saw scrappers, suspected drug dealers, a loose pit bull, gang-related graffiti, wide-open abandoned homes, dilapidated businesses and yards covered in trash.
Napoleon raised $37,000 from CEOs, attorneys and contractors from other states, compared to $21,500 from Detroiters.
Michigan election officials were expected to certify Detroit’s primary election results Friday.
Detroit emergency manager “is the governor’s anointed turnaround man, and bankruptcy is not a turnaround plan,” Napoleon said.
Turns out, Napoleon’s $105 million budget isn’t as bare bones as he suggests. And he wants to run the city of Detroit?