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By Michael Betzold on September 16, 2018
Headline , Investigations , Police
The Archdiocese of Detroit was aware of horrific cases of sexual abuse by priests – and did nothing. Here’s how the archdiocese’s newspaper played a role in the cloak of silence, and what happened when one editor spoke out.
By Steve Neavling on September 5, 2016
Headline , Lens On Detroit , Photo Gallery , Politics , posts
Hundreds of protesters gathered outside of a black church in Detroit to call out Donald Trump.
By Steve Neavling on December 1, 2013
Culture , Headline , History , posts
The towering spire of St. Josaphat Roman Catholic Church is one of the most visible landmarks along I-75 near downtown Detroit.
By Steve Neavling on December 11, 2012
Crime & Fire , Police , posts
Hate crimes reported in Michigan rose 12% in 2011, in large part because of a major uptick in the suburbs, the FBI revealed Monday.