Disabled boy dies, mother rescued in house fire in Detroit

The fire killed a teenage boy in a wheelchair and injured his sister and mom early Sunday morning on Detroit’s east side.
The fire killed a teenage boy in a wheelchair and injured his sister and mom early Sunday morning on Detroit’s east side.
Two Detroit police officers were shot Wednesday evening on the city’s west side, and a suspect was still on the loose.
A Detroit police officer was shot on the east side Monday night and rushed to St. John’s Hospital.
The fire broke out in an occupied apartment building on Detroit’s northwest side.
Seven people, including three children, were injured when a fire broke out inside their east-side Detroit home early this morning.
When police arrived, the man was naked and pinned on his back as the pit bulls mauled him.
A Detroit man was critically injured early this morning after a gunman shot him in the back while he was riding his bike on Woodward near Palmer Park.
His leg was jutting in the wrong direction, and his neck and back may have been broken.
The boy was rushed to the hospital after being mauled and then shot accidentally by a neighbor.
“I have to feed my wife and kids,” Kasinec said after the fire. “We’re taking major pay cuts, and I can’t afford it.”