2 people killed, 1 injured in arson fire on Detroit’s east side

At least 32 people have died in Detroit fires this year.
At least 32 people have died in Detroit fires this year.
The city of Detroit painted a wildly inaccurate and misleading picture of the fire crisis through a public database that was supposed to create transparency.
Just days after we requested overtime records, Detroit launched a fraud investigation into the scheme.
Devil’s Night recorded the fewest number of fires since at least the 1970s.
Although the number of fires have leveled off during Devil’s Night over the past five years, this year poses more significant challenges.
If the past four years are any indication, Detroit is likely to see more than 90 fires during the three-day Devil’s Night period beginning Thursday.
When firefighters arrived, a vacant house was engulfed in flames on a block tightly packed with houses in southwest Detroit this weekend.
The records show the city grossly misrepresented the number of broken hydrants earlier this year.
Mayor Duggan continues to deny serious problems plaguing the fire department as his administration retaliates against whistleblowers and lies to the media.
Detroit’s fire administration continues to lash out at firefighters for speaking out about dangerously defective rigs and other serious safety issues.