Fire strikes again in neighborhood with bad hydrants, destroying 3 homes

The city of Detroit installed hydrants that are incapable of supplying enough water to extinguish large fires.
The city of Detroit installed hydrants that are incapable of supplying enough water to extinguish large fires.
A hazardous materials team and firefighters were called to Detroit’s water treatment plant this morning after a mercury spill.
Fire hydrants malfunctioned as overstretched firefighters did all they could.
A body was found floating in the Detroit River near the Joe Louis Arena late Monday morning.
For two months, Brenda Burton searched dozens of vacant houses for her son, scoured abandoned lots and posted missing signs around their west-side neighborhood.
Mayor Duggan continues to deny serious problems plaguing the fire department as his administration retaliates against whistleblowers and lies to the media.
Detroit’s fire administration continues to lash out at firefighters for speaking out about dangerously defective rigs and other serious safety issues.
The city of Detroit is disciplining and threatening firefighters for expressing concerns about public safety and dangerously defective rigs, a violation of whistleblower protection laws.
Police are threatening to arrest a graphic designer for creating images of broken hydrants that ended up on light poles and vacant buildings.
Some of the most hazardous buildings in Detroit are the city’s 40 firehouses.