Riding with Benny: A look at Napoleon’s neighborhood plan

During our one-hour drive, we saw scrappers, suspected drug dealers, a loose pit bull, gang-related graffiti, wide-open abandoned homes, dilapidated businesses and yards covered in trash.
During our one-hour drive, we saw scrappers, suspected drug dealers, a loose pit bull, gang-related graffiti, wide-open abandoned homes, dilapidated businesses and yards covered in trash.
At issue is whether election workers improperly handled about 18,000 votes.
Candidate Tom Barrow, who got 4% of the vote, is demanding a recount.
Check out the most comprehensive website on the Detroit elections.
The candidate list was replaced with, of all things, a link to a discount prescription card – on the elections page.
The Detroit Elections Commission will meet this afternoon to decide whether Detroit mayoral candidate Mike Duggan should be removed from the primary ballot for violating the city’s charter for running for office.