Co. clerk’s hubby is paid consultant for Napoleon’s campaign

Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett’s husband isn’t the only family member with a role in Napoleon’s campaign.
Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett’s husband isn’t the only family member with a role in Napoleon’s campaign.
Napoleon said news agencies “want you to stay home and not vote” during the mayoral election next week.
Most of the properties didn’t sell during the Wayne County tax-foreclosure auction Monday.
During our one-hour drive, we saw scrappers, suspected drug dealers, a loose pit bull, gang-related graffiti, wide-open abandoned homes, dilapidated businesses and yards covered in trash.
The mayoral candidate said Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr wants to “slit throats” of Detroiters.
Once selling for six figures, the houses are on the auction block for as low as a few thousand dollars.
The Secretary of State’s office is focusing on corporate donations.
The city’s move would prevent speculators from buying properties without plans to develop them.
The mayoral candidate made big promises to drastically improve life in Detroit’s neighborhoods.
Up for bid: Beautiful colonial homes, abandoned factories, gas stations, churches, a hospital, countless boarded-up bungalows and ornate apartment buildings.