Say what?! Conservative Republican champions legalization of medical pot dispensaries

Callton is scrambling to introduce legislation that would legalize dispensaries because many patients don’t have access to pot.
Callton is scrambling to introduce legislation that would legalize dispensaries because many patients don’t have access to pot.
The Jan. 29 fire raced through the cement-and-brick building on Gratiot just south of I-94, causing ammunition to explode.
In just two weeks, demolition crews flattened 10 blocks on the lower east side, leveling homes, a 19th-century church, school, and trees on the lower east side.
Oreese Collins filed suit against Detroit nearly two years ago for what he says were sexual problems spurred by his wife’s hostile job as an aide to Mayor Dave Bing.
In an unusually candid interview, Council President Charles Pugh acknowledged he was not cut out for politics.
Political observers brushed Lisa Howze off as a second-tier contender. Not anymore.
A popular Detroit blogger tore down an offensive message Tuesday on the overpass of the abandoned Packard Plant that alluded to the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Motorists driving past the Packard Plant were greeted this morning with the same chilling words that were placed at the entrances of numerous concentration camps – “Arbeit Macht Frei.”
It’s the first real test of Mayor Dave Bing’s plan to repopulate stable neighborhoods and transform vacant areas into lakes, farms, forests and greenways.
Collective bargaining is more than just ink on a pay stub; it gives voice to the people.