By Steve Neavling on
Government, Headline, posts, State of Michigan
Dillon’s secretary denies having intimate relationship with the treasurer.
By Steve Neavling on
2013 Mayoral Election, Crime & Fire, Government, Headline, Police, Politics, posts
About five men forced their way into the home of former state Rep. Lisa Howze on day of endorsement of Duggan for mayor.
By Steve Neavling on
2013 Mayoral Election, Government, Headline, Politics, posts
The Board of State Canvassers will retabulate about 18,000 ballots that local officials declined to certify.
By Steve Neavling on
2013 Mayoral Election, Government, Headline, Politics, posts
Former State Rep. Lisa Howze expected the inevitable accusations and knee-jerk conspiracy theories.
By Steve Neavling on
2013 Mayoral Election, Government, Headline, Politics, posts
At issue is whether election workers improperly handled about 18,000 votes.
By Steve Neavling on
2013 Mayoral Election, Government, Headline, Politics, posts
Candidate Tom Barrow, who got 4% of the vote, is demanding a recount.
By Steve Neavling on
City Government, Emergency Manager, Featured Stories, Government, posts, State of Michigan

Dillon’s wife was threatening to expose the Democrat for sending her racially charged text messages.
By Steve Neavling on
Crime & Fire, Fire, Government, Headline, Mayor's Office, posts

Moving fire training to Livonia also is expected to make it more difficult for Detroiters to participate.
By Steve Neavling on
City Government, Emergency Manager, Government, Headline, posts, State of Michigan

The Democrat is accused of assaulting his wife in a furious effort to hide racially charged text messages.
By Steve Neavling on
City Government, Emergency Manager, Government, Headline, posts, State of Michigan

“One night my dad came into my room and told me I would have a new black dad,” his daughter said. “From there, things escalated.”