No new leadership for council after Pugh disappears – for now

“I don’t feel comfortable voting on a president until I receive something in writing,” Councilwoman Brenda Jones said.
“I don’t feel comfortable voting on a president until I receive something in writing,” Councilwoman Brenda Jones said.
Candidate Tom Barrow said Duggan is campaigning for the “wealthy and arrogant.”
A man of two sides, Pugh can be charming, temperamental, progressive, juvenile.
A friend and trainer of Charles Pugh urged Detroiters not to draw conclusions about the council president’s whereabouts and said Pugh would return to office.
Pugh has not responded to colleagues or reporters in the past week. He disabled his Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.
Not even Pugh’s office or colleagues know where the president is, causing confusion and slowing the legislative process.
“You are going to have to drag me out of here for me to leave,” Kenyatta said just two months ago.
The waste was placed there by a company controlled by Charles and David Koch, wealthy conservatives who have denied climate change.
An effort to save the historic University Club would devolve into a discussion of slave institutions and the Holocaust.
Mayoral candidate Tom Barrow filed a request this morning to move the case to the top court and bypass the appellate court.