Judge stops state from certifying Detroit primary election

Michigan election officials were expected to certify Detroit’s primary election results Friday.
Michigan election officials were expected to certify Detroit’s primary election results Friday.
Detroit emergency manager “is the governor’s anointed turnaround man, and bankruptcy is not a turnaround plan,” Napoleon said.
The former Detroit City councilman resigned in protest of the emergency manager in June.
Failures in the Fire Department are prompting calls for Fire Commissioner Don Austin to retire.
“The trial was not about these stated criminal counts, but something far more sinister,” Kilpatrick said.
About five men forced their way into the home of former state Rep. Lisa Howze on day of endorsement of Duggan for mayor.
The Board of State Canvassers will retabulate about 18,000 ballots that local officials declined to certify.
Former State Rep. Lisa Howze expected the inevitable accusations and knee-jerk conspiracy theories.
At issue is whether election workers improperly handled about 18,000 votes.
Candidate Tom Barrow, who got 4% of the vote, is demanding a recount.