FBI investigating Detroit cops accused of stealing drug evidence, cash

The unit is accused of improperly gaining search warrants for an untold number of houses and marijuana dispensaries, where money and drugs were seized and never logged.
The unit is accused of improperly gaining search warrants for an untold number of houses and marijuana dispensaries, where money and drugs were seized and never logged.
An Australian photographer got a quick, bitter dose of Detroit and its police force.
Theodore Wafer was found guilty Thursday of second-degree murder and manslaughter in the fatal shooting of 19-year-old Renisha McBride.
Detroit police have been quietly raiding cannabis dispensaries, but no charges have been filed in the cases.
In May, Detroit Police Chief James Craig inexplicably stopped releasing public information on daily shootings, murders and other violent crimes, making it appear as if the city was safer than it is.
The victim was lifeless when firefighters removed him from a collapsed garage.
Firefighters spotted the man “waving frantically” as smoke billowed from the house on the city’s west side.
Theodore Wafer said he was defending himself when he opened his front door and shot a 19-year-old in the face.
Raw sewage flooded two Detroit fire stations on Sunday, prompting health concerns and fears that the backup could interfere with one of the polling locations during Tuesday’s primary election.
A two-story house in Detroit was flattened Monday morning by what firefighters believe was an explosion.