High-ranking Detroit demolition official resigns amid federal investigation

A long-time ally and friend of Mayor Duggan has resigned amid a federal investigation into the city’s demolition program.
A long-time ally and friend of Mayor Duggan has resigned amid a federal investigation into the city’s demolition program.
Sometimes civil disobedience works.
As Wayne State University continues to struggle with declining enrollment, school officials are spending cash reserves at an alarming rate.
Thousands of protesters took to the streets in Philadelphia during the last night of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday.
Protests continued at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia as people took to the streets to support causes ranging from a political revolution to civil rights.
“This is what democracy looks like” – a popular protest chant.
When Wayne State University broke ground on the $50 million Mike Ilitch School of Business on Wednesday, school officials and the media left out some key details about the burden on taxpayers and students.
Protesters gathered to mark the anniversary of the 2010 fatal shooting of 7-year-old Aiyana Stanley-Jones, who was killed by a cop in a raid at her family’s east side home.
Just before turning himself into police Saturday, the man apologized in a video to the LGBT community, blaming pot and liquor.
A group claiming to be Anonymous has declared a “Day of Rage” Friday in 36 cities, including Detroit, Lansing and Ann Arbor.