Anonymous declares war against Gov. Snyder; cyberattacks confirmed

Anonymous hactivists have waged a campaign against Gov. Rick Snyder and other officials who ignored the Flint water crisis.
Anonymous hactivists have waged a campaign against Gov. Rick Snyder and other officials who ignored the Flint water crisis.
The e-mails reveal a stubborn, often arrogant administration and state bureaucracy that failed to protect residents despite repeated warnings.
Murder or suicide? Police are investigating.
Snyder promised to release e-mails related to the Flint water crisis this morning but has failed to deliver.
No area of Detroit is changing as rapidly as the Cass Corridor.
Police may be closer to solving the murder of Detroit firefighter David Madrigal.
Those close to King noticed that his normally steady hands were shaking. His forehead glistened in sweat.
Gov. Snyder and Mayor Duggan would gain more control of DPS under new legislation.
State officials have been slow to correct health violations that include mold, structural issues, fire and electrical hazards and a lack of heat.
Gov. Snyder downplayed this summer what he now considers a water “crisis” in Flint.