After brazenly spray-painting the iconic Whittier sign atop a historic building in Detroit in broad daylight this weekend, the vandal in dark clothes didn’t waste time bragging about his tag, “edub,” on social media.
His act was caught on camera and circulated on Facebook. In response, edub posted the photo on his now-deactivated Instagram page and wrote, “Lololololoz get at me you fucking snitches.”
Turns out, the man behind the can of paint is 28-year-old Eric Daniel Gray, who lives in Eastpointe, we confirmed through several sources. His tags are splashed on occupied buildings, road signs, walls, bus stops, parking meters, gas pumps and even trees.

Gray’s friend, a graffiti-writer who goes by Edwardo Chavez Agavas, lashed out at critics on social media.
“fuck you if you ain’t us,” he wrote.
Gray’s girlfriend said she was fired from her job Tuesday after we published a photo of her and Gray in our exposé about Detroit’s most destructive graffiti vandals. She also vandalizes buildings with paint.
Steve Neavling
Steve Neavling lives and works in Detroit as an investigative journalist. His stories have uncovered corruption, led to arrests and reforms and prompted FBI investigations.
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