To many, the abandoned Packard Plant is a decaying eyesore that would be better off demolished. But to others, the sprawling ruins are something entirely different.
1. If you’re scared of heights, this video may make you queasy. A few brave urban explorers ascend the deteriorating water tower that stands tall above the Packard Plant.
2. This exquisitely shot video features extreme, stomach-churning skiing. It was produced by Poor Boyz Productions, an acclaimed action-sports film producer.
3. Detroit filmmakers Matt Cantu and Fabrizio Costantini are shown tearing through the Packard Plant on a Honda dirt bike.
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4. No one knows the Packard Plant quite like Allan Hill, who lives inside a building at the abandoned plant.
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5. And finally, thrill-seekers push a rusted truck from atop a Packard building, capturing the crash from several angles.
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Steve Neavling
Steve Neavling lives and works in Detroit as an investigative journalist. His stories have uncovered corruption, led to arrests and reforms and prompted FBI investigations.
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