Local columnist calls Detroiters ‘pinkos,’ ‘anarchists’

Detroit News Columnist Nolan Finley portrays Detroiters as fools who speak with one voice.
Detroit News Columnist Nolan Finley portrays Detroiters as fools who speak with one voice.
The candidate list was replaced with, of all things, a link to a discount prescription card – on the elections page.
The boy road his bike to the bank on Greenfield.
Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr also was hit with liens earlier this year.
Routine city services are getting slashed.
The mayoral campaign is about to kick into high gear.
This is what Detroit’s creditors would have seen on the proposed bus tour to Brightmoor.
Lawyers billed up to $1,000 an hour working for the cash-strapped city.
Dillon’s wife says the court made the right decision.
Ken Cockrel Jr. may become the fourth councilman to resign in the past two months.