Popular WDIV reporter resigns after using n-word

Popular WDIV reporter Lauren Podell has resigned after using the n-word in front of a co-worker.
Popular WDIV reporter Lauren Podell has resigned after using the n-word in front of a co-worker.
WDIV reporter Hank Winchester’s suggestion on MSNBC that some Detroiters are delinquent on their water bills because they’d “rather spend money on cable” has drawn some angry responses.
Maureen Taylor pulled no punches, saying the WDIV reporter “doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”
WDIV was reporting on what it called “an entire city block torched by a ferocious fire” when the reporter was asked to describe the scene.
It’s an unspeakable tragedy that began at the family’s Detroit bar.
The line between news and entertainment has become so blurred that local journalism has become a farce.
Bob Warfield, a former executive at WDIV-TV news, was hired to revamp the city’s two cable stations. But run a $1.1 billion budget?