Detroit News Columnist Nolan Finley ‘expecting worst’ from Daily Show

Photo by Steve Neavling
Photo by Steve Neavling

Conservative Detroit News columnist Nolan Finley pulls no punches, and he expects nothing less when he appears on “The Daily Show with John Stewart” at 11 tonight on the Comedy Channel.

In fact, he said, he’s “expecting the worst.”

Finley will appear on a segment about Detroit’s controversial water shutoffs, which have predominately impacted low-income African Americans in underserved neighborhoods. Finley has argued that water is not a human right – a position that John Stewart is almost certain to ridicule.

Noland Finley
Noland Finley

But for anyone who knows the conservative mudslinger, Finley is a surprisingly warm guy with a sense of humor.

Nearly a year ago, “The Daily Show” aired a segment on Detroit and billionaire Matty Moroun.

Steve Neavling

Steve Neavling lives and works in Detroit as an investigative journalist. His stories have uncovered corruption, led to arrests and reforms and prompted FBI investigations.

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