Regional authority spying on peaceful opponents of water shutoffs in Detroit

The Great Lakes Water Authority is spying on water shutoff protesters and passing along counterintelligence to Wayne State University, Motor City Muckraker has confirmed.
The Great Lakes Water Authority is spying on water shutoff protesters and passing along counterintelligence to Wayne State University, Motor City Muckraker has confirmed.
Police removed Meeko Williams from a public park on the 50th anniversary of the 1967 rebellion.
What happens when an act of civil disobedience enters the courtroom.
Instead of halting water shutoffs until the problem was resolved, Mayor Duggan’s administration accelerated the process, especially on homeowners.
Conservative Detroit News columnist Nolan Finley pulls no punches, and he expects nothing less when he appears on “The Daily Show with John Stewart” tonight on the Comedy Channel.
Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr defended the shutoffs and urged protesters to end the “hysteria.”