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By Steve Neavling on July 10, 2014
Art & Entertainment , Headline
WDIV reporter Hank Winchester’s suggestion on MSNBC that some Detroiters are delinquent on their water bills because they’d “rather spend money on cable” has drawn some angry responses.
By Steve Neavling on July 10, 2014
City Government , Emergency Manager , Featured Stories , Government
Among those arrested were pastors and seniors, who were placed in the backs of police cars and hauled off.
By Steve Neavling on July 8, 2014
City Council , Government , Headline , posts
Maureen Taylor pulled no punches, saying the WDIV reporter “doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”
By Steve Neavling on May 5, 2014
Crime & Fire , Headline , Police
Police and paramedics were called to the bridge at 11:30 a.m. today.
By Steve Neavling on January 6, 2014
Government , Headline , posts , Schools and Education
Tens of thousands of gallons of water that spewed from leaking pipes at the vacant Detroit City High School last week have turned to ice.
By Steve Neavling on January 3, 2014
Government , Headline , posts
Despite complaints, water continued to creep up the basement steps and rain down from pipes in the hallways at an alarming rate.
By Steve Neavling on December 11, 2013
Government , Headline , Investigations , posts
The city is woefully behind in shutting off water to thousands of vacant buildings – at a cost to all water users.