PAL lobbyist: Some cops want to padlock Tiger Stadium field over rumors of a protest

The controversial quest to carpet the former Tiger Stadium field with artificial turf may have reached a new low.
The controversial quest to carpet the former Tiger Stadium field with artificial turf may have reached a new low.
There’s a way the Detroit Police Athletic League can have the program it wants at the site of the old Tiger Stadium without creating so much antagonism with its bullheaded plan to cover up the historic field with artificial turf.
When the power structure in Detroit closes ranks, reporters are expected to keep quiet and toe the line.
Drew Sharp continues to write for the Free Press, even amid strong allegations that he lifted a story from a local sports blog.
The Free Press offered to pay the original reporter “for his unintended contributions to Sharp’s story.”
It’s time for more honesty from the people who want to blanket Navin Field with fake grass, a columnist argues.
Leave it to John Oliver to question why a city would cough up $280 million in tax dollars and hand it to a billionaire.
The historic Hotel Park Avenue will come crashing down with the assistance of explosives at the site of the new Red Wings arena.
Natural grass has graced “The Corner” for more than a century. That could change soon.
The demolition comes after a controversial vote by the city’s Historic District Commission.