Detroit Rep. Scott apologizes for calling Asian American opponent ‘ching-chong’

Rep. Bettie Cook Scott also told one of her opponent’s campaign workers, “I want you out of my country.”
Rep. Bettie Cook Scott also told one of her opponent’s campaign workers, “I want you out of my country.”
A deceptive political flyer in support of gubernatorial candidate Gretchen Whitmer appears to violate state law and is confusing voters. The flyer, which began appearing in mailboxes Friday, shows Whitmer looming large in Lansing next to Rev. Alexander Bullock, who is the campaign manager for one of her Democratic opponents, Shri Thanedar. The pamphlet was […]
Kid Rock dismissed claims that he violated federal campaign laws, telling a watchdog group to “go f— yourselves.”
Dozens of medical marijuana dispensaries operating in Detroit are at risk of closure under a new state board created by Gov. Rick Snyder.
Duggan, who has yet to develop a plan to combat poverty, won’t square off with Coleman Young II, and the mayor has found a way to blame his opponent.
Mayor Duggan has not yet responded to a request to participate in the town hall meeting focused exclusively on poverty.
The deepening divide between downtown and the neighborhoods is anything but fiction. Let’s look at the facts.
Mayor Duggan spent $1.2 million on his re-election bid since November, shelling out money to more than 225 people, including his son and an ex-felon, for work ranging from canvassing neighborhoods to conducting telephone polls.
Duggan’s fundraising prowess raises serious questions about his influence with outsiders and those who have contributed heavily to Republican candidates, including Donald Trump, Gov. Rick Snyder and the Michigan Republican Party.
Sen. Coleman Young II called for a special prosecutor today to investigate Mayor Duggan’s demolition program after Motor City Muckraker revealed last week that the U.S. Attorney’s Office leaked favorable information about Duggan to the media.