Brazen scrappers destroy roof of abandoned Eastown Theatre in Detroit

The ornamental, dome ceiling on the long-abandoned Eastown Theatre in Detroit has collapsed as scrappers continue to remove steel beams from the historic movie palace.
The ornamental, dome ceiling on the long-abandoned Eastown Theatre in Detroit has collapsed as scrappers continue to remove steel beams from the historic movie palace.
Firefighters perused the debris for a scrapper who had become pinned in the debris.
Who are the scrappers? They are laid-off autoworkers, drug addicts, high school dropouts and others trying to get by.
A 55-year-old man was killed in a manhole while looking for scrap metal in Detroit on March 24. Firefighters and other rescue personnel spent more than an hour removing the body from the narrow underground tunnel at East Grand Boulevard and Chene. Police said a woman told authorities that her boyfriend was looking for scrap […]
Scrapping thieves have become alarmingly more daring and audacious as police have virtually ignored an organized scrapping operation that has sprung up at the abandoned Packard Plant in Detroit.