Co. clerk’s hubby is paid consultant for Napoleon’s campaign

Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett’s husband isn’t the only family member with a role in Napoleon’s campaign.
Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett’s husband isn’t the only family member with a role in Napoleon’s campaign.
Napoleon said news agencies “want you to stay home and not vote” during the mayoral election next week.
During our one-hour drive, we saw scrappers, suspected drug dealers, a loose pit bull, gang-related graffiti, wide-open abandoned homes, dilapidated businesses and yards covered in trash.
The mayoral candidate said Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr wants to “slit throats” of Detroiters.
A reformer or sore loser? The 64-year-old accountant won’t give up.
State law prohibits casino owners, such as Dan Gilbert, from contributing to state and local political campaigns.