Record number of Detroit police live outside the city after 1999 residency law

Supporters of residency requirements say officers who live outside of Detroit are more likely to further erode trust between the black community and police.
Supporters of residency requirements say officers who live outside of Detroit are more likely to further erode trust between the black community and police.
Stevie Wonder delivered a message of tolerance and peace in Detroit during the unveiling of a road named after the Motown Legend on Wednesday afternoon.
Tom Gores also is demanding that he not pay property taxes for the Pistons’ new practice facility, which would rob the city and schools of up about $450,000 a year.
Mayor Duggan showed no respect for Detroit taxpayers by announcing the Pistons deal before gathering input during mandatory public hearings to see if residents want to spend the money.
Taxpayers could be on the hook again for another sports arena, and city officials are refusing to discuss it, choosing closed-door meetings instead.
While there were slightly fewer fires in 2015, arsons and destructive blazes took a nosedive this year, marking a decades-long record.
What’s happening at the Corner now is arguably illegal and inarguably a national embarrassment.
On second thought …
“The mayor said that President Wilson has done some fantastic things for Wayne State, but he hasn’t done shit for us,” Minister Malik Shabazz said of Detroiters.
A long-time ally and friend of Mayor Duggan has resigned amid a federal investigation into the city’s demolition program.