Why Mayor Duggan should release e-mails between his office and emergency manager

Mayor Duggan’s outlandish claim during the State of the City address warrants a closer look at his relationship with Gov. Snyder and emergency management.
Mayor Duggan’s outlandish claim during the State of the City address warrants a closer look at his relationship with Gov. Snyder and emergency management.
Gary Brown is a former police officer who entered politics after winning part of an $8.4 million whistleblower lawsuit against Detroit and former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.
The veteran Republican strategist has found two lucrative jobs since Detroit emerged from bankruptcy in December.
Van Conway is known for hosting lavish holiday parties with scantily clad women.
This isn’t about the effectiveness of a city ordinance or emergency management. It’s about a mayor intentionally misleading the public.
CDC members expressed shock and said the councils are an important link between residents and government.
Duggan said he plans to make it easier for cash-strapped delinquent customers to pay their bills by offering assistance but hinted that he wouldn’t stop the shutoffs for everyone.
The offer comes after the city has shut off 17,000 households for overdue water bills since March.
The city has shut off water to more than 15,000 delinquent homeowners and landlords but can’t keep pace with running water in vacant buildings.
People descended on downtown Detroit to protest Detroit’s massive water shutoffs, and they were accompanied by nurses who warned of an impending “public health emergency.”