Detroit fire captain clings to life after accidentally shooting self in groin

Detroit Fire Captain Brett Jackson was profusely bleeding and close to death after waiting 20 minutes for help.
Detroit Fire Captain Brett Jackson was profusely bleeding and close to death after waiting 20 minutes for help.
A team of Detroit arson investigators with guns drawn arrested a popular fire videographer Sunday night on a felony charge stemming from a citizen’s arrest he made on an arsonist earlier this month.
Detroit police are requesting an arrest warrant for a popular fire videographer who is accused of taking a citizen’s arrest too far by holding an arsonist at gunpoint until cops arrived earlier this month.
A family visiting Kalamazoo was horrified about the news of a man randomly shooting people Saturday night, so they called for an Uber for a ride back to their hotel.
The shooting underscores the dangers that Detroit firefighters face every day.
Offended Twitter users mocked the Associated Press with the hashtag “#APHeadlines.”
The incident happened after a man stabbed his friend in front of Detroit police.
An 88-year-old man who had been recently robbed at gunpoint at his house shot at a WXYZ news crew Monday as they tried to interview him about his traumatic experience, according to the reporter.
A Detroit man was critically injured early this morning after a gunman shot him in the back while he was riding his bike on Woodward near Palmer Park.
The boy was rushed to the hospital after being mauled and then shot accidentally by a neighbor.