Arsonist torches 3 vacant houses in 4-block area of Detroit; firefighter injured

Detroit firefighters responding to a vacant house fire this morning quickly found out they were up against yet another brazen arsonist.
Detroit firefighters responding to a vacant house fire this morning quickly found out they were up against yet another brazen arsonist.
The accident occurred at the intersection of E. Robinwood and Joseph Campau at 1:28 p.m.
Investigators believe the 124-year-old church was intentionally ignited shortly before 6:30 a.m. May 10.
While the Tigers tried to rally in the bottom of the ninth inning against the Twins Friday evening, Detroit firefighters were called to extinguish a fire at the ballpark.
The fire has been burning for seven days, filling the sky near downtown with black smoke.
The fire was upgraded to a second-alarm after it reignited inside a block-long factory on the east side this afternoon.
We monitored all 116 fire calls from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m., finding lagging response times and overwhelmed fire crews.
Perhaps most eye-opening wasn’t the number of fires but the fallouts from budget cuts.
The cash-strapped Detroit Fire Department is expected to respond to dozens of arsons as Angels’ Night gets underway. We’ll monitor the action and provide up-to-the-minute updates on every reported fire.
Whoever buys the lawless wasteland will incur hefty costs for a property that is constantly on fire and crumbling.