Second Detroit firefighter dies in two days while on duty

Firefighters tried to resuscitate the captain of the fire boat.
Firefighters tried to resuscitate the captain of the fire boat.
The city’s numbers are incredibly misleading and represent just a small fraction of the arson fires that are decimating neighborhoods, claiming lives and accelerating the exodus of residents.
The chief on the scene tried to warn firefighters about the impending collapse but it was too late.
The images are poignant and engaging, offering an unadulterated glimpse into neglected, forgotten neighborhoods of Detroit.
Heavy yellow and orange smoke spewed from a burning Family Dollar on Detroit’s east side late Saturday afternoon.
“I have to feed my wife and kids,” Kasinec said after the fire. “We’re taking major pay cuts, and I can’t afford it.”
The documentary shows the young father tenderly caring for an elderly woman with chest pains in Detroit.
We kiss our families goodbye and we drive off to the fire house, knowing we may never kiss them again. We know it, but we do not think about it.
The Wayne-Westland firefighter was fighting a blaze at a strip mall in Westland on Wednesday when the building crashed down on him and four other firefighters.
Tenants wedged into the stairways to escape smoke that was climbing the floors at the former Jeffries Housing Projects.