Council President Pugh missing, disables social media accounts

Not even Pugh’s office or colleagues know where the president is, causing confusion and slowing the legislative process.
Not even Pugh’s office or colleagues know where the president is, causing confusion and slowing the legislative process.
“You are going to have to drag me out of here for me to leave,” Kenyatta said just two months ago.
The waste was placed there by a company controlled by Charles and David Koch, wealthy conservatives who have denied climate change.
An effort to save the historic University Club would devolve into a discussion of slave institutions and the Holocaust.
Read the entire 30-minute speech of Louis Farrakhan speaking at a Detroit City Council meeting.
“You better wake up because some of you are going to jail, and I will be the first to laugh at you because you’ve been laughing at us for years,” one block club member shouted at council.
Police apprehended several protesters for refusing to stay quiet about their opposition to a state-appointed emergency manager during a formal city council session today.
Mayor Bing’s tax-funded consultants suggested he drastically cut the council budget and make the members part-time. He didn’t.
Council President Charles Pugh said the city can improve the nation’s largest municipal park on its own by charging entrance fees, opening up a winery and launching events such as concerts.
Most council members opposed the Belle Isle lease Tuesday, saying they don’t trust the city gem in state hands.