In just one day last weekend, two men were brutally beaten, an explorer was attacked and his car stolen and a photographer was robbed by a gunman. Thieves have smashed so many car windows that the streets and parking lots bordering the 105-year-old plant are covered in blue-green bits of glass.
By Steve Neavling Downtown Detroit brimmed with energy and tens of thousands of people during the 54th annual Detroit Target Fireworks Monday night. Despite fears of violence breaking out, police reported only a few brawls. And it’s no wonder. Police were everywhere – frisking teenagers, patrolling each street on foot and waiting in riot-ready buses. One […]
By Steve Neavling Editor and reporter Detroit Police never had a protocol for vacating a building when officers left to rot thousands of rounds of live ammunition, case files, murder photos and chemicals in at a vacant crime lab more than a year ago, Chief Ralph L. Godbee, Jr. told Godbee said he’s responded […]
If Detroit is consistent about anything, it’s the city’s failure to find good leadership. From the segregationist mayors and city councils of the first half of the 20th century to the ineffective leaders of today, Detroit is a stark example of a city damaged by its own leadership. So as the 2013 mayoral election nears […]
Detroit Police Chief Ralph Godbee was facing the biggest crisis in his career. Earlier in the day a year ago this week, the Detroit Free Press had revealed the city’s crime lab was open to trespassers. Thousands of rounds of live ammunition, sealed evidence kits and case files – some containing Social Security numbers of […]