Consultant that raked in $17.2M in bankruptcy congratulates Detroit in NYT ad

Van Conway is known for hosting lavish holiday parties with scantily clad women.
Van Conway is known for hosting lavish holiday parties with scantily clad women.
This is the third time in two months that the Duggan administration has demanded that we pay thousands of dollars for public records. One bill was $42,000.
This isn’t about the effectiveness of a city ordinance or emergency management. It’s about a mayor intentionally misleading the public.
CDC members expressed shock and said the councils are an important link between residents and government.
Duggan said he plans to make it easier for cash-strapped delinquent customers to pay their bills by offering assistance but hinted that he wouldn’t stop the shutoffs for everyone.
The offer comes after the city has shut off 17,000 households for overdue water bills since March.
The city has shut off water to more than 15,000 delinquent homeowners and landlords but can’t keep pace with running water in vacant buildings.
Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr defended the shutoffs and urged protesters to end the “hysteria.”
Among those arrested were pastors and seniors, who were placed in the backs of police cars and hauled off.
Often lost in the discussion about Detroit’s bankruptcy is the scope of the city’s troubles following six spiraling decades of job losses and residential flight.