MUCKRAKING ALERT: Detroit spent $45 million on sidewalk ramps to nowhere while sinking into debt

The city can’t afford emergency services but installed 27,000 curb ramps, many of which are on impassable sidewalks.
The city can’t afford emergency services but installed 27,000 curb ramps, many of which are on impassable sidewalks.
The prosecutor made clear that Fox News heavily edited the video to deceive the public.
Detroit’s new emergency manager will face some enormous obstacles.
Kevyn Orr once hosted an extravagant 80th birthday celebration for Democratic U.S. Rep. John Conyers.
EM opponents warned residents to stock up on bottles of water and canned goods because of an impending revolt.
Sunshine law that requires a transparent government likely will be ignored by the state.
On Sunday afternoon, Larry paced outside while flames spread through four neighboring, vacant houses on the east side.
The decision comes a day after the mayor said he has accepted the inevitability of Gov. Snyder appointing an emergency manager in Detroit.
As Gov. Rick Snyder announces plans today to take over the city’s finances today, the state will be responsible for Detroit’s public safety crisis.
On one of the windiest, iciest nights in Detroit in over a year, the city had just one Public Lighting Department crew overnight to handle countless downed, sparking power lines and fallen street lights spread across 139 square miles.