State kicks out man from Belle Isle for passing out anti-Grand Prix fliers

Freedom of speech or disturbing the peace?
Freedom of speech or disturbing the peace?
The phone numbers are public record and posted on each member’s congressional web page.
There will be marching, live music and a light demonstration in Ferndale this evening (Sunday) to protest Trump’s assault on the LGBTQ community.
The GOP-controlled House approved funding for billionaire Dan Gilbert, but rejected money for seniors, veterans and Flint.
Dan Gilbert wants Trump’s administration to drop a Justice Department lawsuit that alleges Quicken Loans engaged in fraud.
A “noise demonstration” and march are planned in front of Wayne County’s unfinished jail site in downtown Detroit.
Detroit has decimated its once-blossoming medicinal cannabis industry, leaving patients with far fewer choices.
Detroit’s elected board of education was finally allowed to choose a superintendent after years of state emergency management.
Find out why former members of Mayor Coleman A. Young’s administration aren’t supporting his son for mayor of Detroit.
Protesters say the bombing in Syria could lead to dangerous consequences and world conflict.