Director of demolitions resigns from Detroit Land Bank amid federal probe

The resignation comes amid a federal investigation into Mayor Duggan’s demolition program.
The resignation comes amid a federal investigation into Mayor Duggan’s demolition program.
Duggan, who has yet to develop a plan to combat poverty, won’t square off with Coleman Young II, and the mayor has found a way to blame his opponent.
The deepening divide between downtown and the neighborhoods is anything but fiction. Let’s look at the facts.
Duggan’s fundraising prowess raises serious questions about his influence with outsiders and those who have contributed heavily to Republican candidates, including Donald Trump, Gov. Rick Snyder and the Michigan Republican Party.
Yet another billionaire has been given preferential treatment over lower-income residents in Detroit.
The Great Lakes Water Authority is spying on water shutoff protesters and passing along counterintelligence to Wayne State University, Motor City Muckraker has confirmed.
Police removed Meeko Williams from a public park on the 50th anniversary of the 1967 rebellion.
Many black and Latino residents are asking billionaire Dan Gilbert and his company today, “Is this really how you see Detroit?”
A federal lawsuit claims Mayor Duggan conspired with the school board to deprive residents of the right to vote on whether billionaire Pistons owner Tom Gores should receive more than $55 million in public financing.
A state investigation that revealed inappropriate, if not illegal, expenses will cost Detroit $6.4 million as a federal grand jury probe continues.