Mayor Duggan unleashes more humane plan to handle late water bills

Under Detroit’s emergency manager, the city shut off water to more than 18,000 residents for delinquent bills.
Under Detroit’s emergency manager, the city shut off water to more than 18,000 residents for delinquent bills.
Grosse Pointe Park’s decision to block a popular road at the border of Detroit with a farmer’s market may be a costly one.
Dozens of Grosse Pointers turned out to protest a shed built to block off traffic at Kercheval and Alter along the border of Detroit.
Duggan said he plans to make it easier for cash-strapped delinquent customers to pay their bills by offering assistance but hinted that he wouldn’t stop the shutoffs for everyone.
An atheist is suing the city of Warren for prohibiting him from setting up a “reason station” in the atrium of City Hall alongside a “prayer station” that has operated since 2009.
The offer comes after the city has shut off 17,000 households for overdue water bills since March.
Bed buds were reported on DDOT buses a few weeks ago. In Warren, a library was closed after an infestation. And now the blood-sucking insects were found on a Detroit ambulance.
The city has shut off water to more than 15,000 delinquent homeowners and landlords but can’t keep pace with running water in vacant buildings.
People descended on downtown Detroit to protest Detroit’s massive water shutoffs, and they were accompanied by nurses who warned of an impending “public health emergency.”
Detroit plans to commemorate Nelson Mandela’s birthday today by renaming a street along the riverfront in his honor and celebrating his 1990 visit to the city.